Figure out how much cash you'll need each week for your regular, cash-based purchases ( things like lunch at the cafeteria and your daily cup of coffee), head on over to the bank teller's window, and get your walking-around money for the week. 你要算出每个月满足正常生活需要所花的现金数目(像在自助餐厅吃的午饭,你每天要喝的咖啡),接着径直走到银行柜台,取出你这一星期所需要的零花钱。
When you reach the head of the queue, you are directed to the next available server, or teller, or customs official. 到达队首时,你将会被带到空闲窗口接受服务人员、银行柜员或海关人员的服务。
My head suddenly Montevideo boss boss: I was listening to other people who shop said such things, automated teller machines, money later admitted End of a real look at the deposit, foolproof. 我的脑袋一下子蒙得老大老大:我以前听其它店铺的人说过这种事情,在自动取款机上取完钱以后再存一存看看真假,万无一失。